The stranger among usJoe had drifted here and stayed. Everybody knew him. He seldom spoke to anyone. He just looked at people with intense, unblinking eyes. If…Jan 23Jan 23
Joel Polack: 7, Back to New ZealandJoel Polack’s father, Solomon Joel Abraham Polack, a noted artist, miniaturist and engraver. died on August 30, 1839 in London. Born The…Aug 20, 2023Aug 20, 2023
Joel Polack, 5. Manners and Customs of New ZealandersJoel Polack attained some fame and probably made some money with the publication of his Narrative, and was persuaded to write another book…Jul 16, 2023Jul 16, 2023
Joel Polack, 6.Polack’s New Zealand; Being a Narrative of Travels and Adventures in the Country between 1831 and 1837 was well received. The London…Jul 14, 2023Jul 14, 2023
Joel Polack, 4 Polack’s StoreDespite the difficulties confronting him in the frontier society, Joel Polack set up his store on the beach of Kororareka, soon to be the…Jul 8, 2023Jul 8, 2023
Joel Polack, 3 Move to the Bay of IslandsThe Bay of Islands presented new commercial opportunities. The intertribal wars that bedeviled New Zealand and Maori society were coming to…Jul 5, 2023Jul 5, 2023
Joel Polack, an outsider in pre-colonial New ZealandChapter 2 — Joel Polack, the adventurous youthJul 3, 2023Jul 3, 2023